
📓 Me, and over 40 students from Ukraine, Japan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, and Georgia were invited to Krakow, Poland for a one-week international school called Spinaker, dedicated to energy generation.

🔬 Research

That year’s topic was “Fundamental Research in Energy”, where we examined existing energy issues. Here are a few of them:

  • Dependence on electricity
  • Alternative energy
  • Decentralized energy supply
  • Global warming, ocean pollution, and their interconnection.

⚡ Solid Oxide Fule Cell (SOFC)

This is a cutting-edge technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way electricity is produced. Instead of relying on combustion to generate energy, these fuel cells utilize a chemical reaction between oxygen and a fuel source, such as natural gas, to produce electricity. Even more exciting is that this process is incredibly efficient, producing very little waste heat or emissions.

SOFC has a wide range of applications, from powering homes and buildings to use in vehicles and even aircraft. The potential of this technology is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and slow down climate change is truly impressive. However, despite their potential, there are still challenges that need to be overcome before SOFC can be widely adopted. Researchers at the school have been working hard to enhance the durability and efficiency of these cells, as well as to find ways to make them more cost-effective.

☢️ Nuclear Fusion

This is the process of combining two atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This is the same process that powers the sun and stars, and scientists have been trying to replicate it on Earth for decades.

ITER Project

This international collaboration, involving 35 countries including the USA, China, and the EU, is constructing the world’s largest experimental nuclear fusion reactor in southern France. The goal of the project is to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of nuclear fusion as a source of energy.

The ITER reactor will use a mixture of two isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) as fuel and will reach temperatures of 150 million degrees Celsius, which is ten times hotter than the core of the Sun. At these temperatures, hydrogen nuclei fuse together, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

However, the ITER project is not just about building a reactor; it also involves solving some of the biggest challenges facing nuclear fusion. One of the major challenges is maintaining the hot plasma within the reactor using a magnetic field. ITER will utilize a unique design called a ‘tokamak,’ which employs powerful superconducting magnets to contain the plasma.

ITER will also demonstrate the ability to achieve ‘burning plasma,’ which is a state where the energy produced by fusion reactions exceeds the energy required to heat the plasma. This is an important step toward achieving a self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction, which is the ultimate goal of the project.

Such international collaboration is of the highest level, and I am excited to observe the progress. The completion of the ITER project is expected to pave the way for the commercialization of nuclear energy and the potential to create an virtually limitless source of clean and safe energy for future generations.

🏙️ City of Krakow

Krakow is a beautiful city in southern Poland. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit this historic city and explore its famous landmarks.

🎓 We spent most of our time on the AGH campus.
AGH University of Science and Technology is a technical university in Krakow, Poland, founded in 1913, and is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country.

The university places significant emphasis on engineering and technical programs and offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as computer science, electrical engineering, and materials science. AGH University is also known for its research in various areas, including robotics, energy, and biotechnology. The university hosts over 30,000 students from around the world. AGH is well-equipped with modern facilities and has a strong reputation for providing high-quality education. This educational environment is also recognized for its international collaboration, student exchange programs, and research projects with other universities and research institutions worldwide.

✏ We spent the entire week learning together, visiting museums, and exploring the city.

We also spent time in the dorm, where we had the opportunity to get to know each other better. One of the most interesting moments for me was trying ramen for the first time. It was very delicious, and I was glad to have the chance to try something new.

🏰 We had the opportunity to visit Wawel Castle—one of the most famous landmarks in Krakow. This medieval castle was the residence of Polish kings for centuries, and it is now a museum open to visitors. The castle is truly breathtaking, with its impressive architecture and stunning views of the city.

🎄 We were lucky with the dates of our visit, as the annual Christmas market was taking place in the Main Market Square. This market is a true feast for the senses, where vendors sell traditional handicrafts, candles, Christmas decorations, delicious dishes, and festive drinks. I especially enjoyed tasting local delicacies like Polish pierogi and oscypek (smoked cheese). The atmosphere was truly magical and festive, with the square decorated with lights and Christmas carols playing in the background.

🏔️But the real adventure began when we went on a trip to Zakopane. This picturesque mountain town, located at the foot of the Tatra Mountains, offers the perfect combination of culture and adventure. We rode down the snowy slopes in horse-drawn sleds, and I couldn’t help but feel excitement and wonder as we flew down the hills.

🏆 Overall, this was very enriching experience at the international school. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn alongside such a diverse group of people, and I will always cherish the memories that remain in my heart. I was greatly inspired by witnessing the dedication and passion of the students and professors who study and work at the university.